The Lake Erie Monster

A little over a year ago, local artists John G and Jake Kelly collaborated on an art show called TEN IMAGINARY MOVIES. For the show Jake created ten full size posters for made up films: […]

Record Highlight — Delay

Delay are midwest rockers from Cleveland, Ohio.  We were pumped when Shout Out Loud Prints and Ryan Eilbeck from the band contacted us about pressing their new LP, Rushing Ceremony. The official release party is […]

Gotta Groove Documentary

I know not all of you can make the trip out to Cleveland. But we’re very proud of our facilities. The incredibly talented Nick Cavalier made us this amazing film to help us show off […]

Customer Highlight: Bears

Cleveland native band Bears came back together for a rare performance on December 23 at the Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland.  In conjunction with this event, they enlisted Gotta Groove to press a limited edition (250 copies) red […]