Vinyl Records 3.0 Challenges and Rewards

Official SXSW panel announcement!

What is the role of vinyl LP in current acts in the marketplace today? The purpose of this panel is to explain and show in depth the role of vinyl in the music marketplace. Panelists will discuss vinyl as the most important tangible music medium. Following explanations of why any band or artist should produce vinyl and which acts are more likely to benefit and why they will benefit from pressing vinyl, they will walk the artist through the process of production including options for customizations; including coloring, cutting, time expectancy, pricing, self-marketing, and selling at the independent retail level. The explanation of the edge that vinyl has over any other music medium in the marketplace today as well as the pros of producing vinyl in an mp3 dominated music medium era will be addressed.

If you are going to SXSW, be sure to hit it up!  There are also a couple of other panels covering various facets of making records.  Read more at